Here were my key points to rebut the idea that inaction is the best approach in all market environments:
- Most Advisors ignore the business cycle that clearly exists and that has an effect on asset prices.
- Most Advisors think technical analysis is akin to voodoo.
- Most Advisors are willing to invest your money but not willing to invest their time or money on an investment team.
- Most Advisors realize that buy and hold is a much better business strategy than investing strategy.
- Most Advisors would rather hope that markets get their clients to retirement than actually work on a strategy to get them there.
- Most Advisors are like ostriches, putting their heads in the sand and betting that 'Buy and Hold' will continue to work.
If you're currently working with a 'Buy and Hold' advisor, then you’d better hope we're wrong in our assessment that there's a high probability we're in a persistent bear market. In a bull market, a rising tide lifts all boats, but as legendary investor Warren Buffet once said, “It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who was swimming naked.”
Fear the ostrich.